Tuesday, May 26, 2015


While you are contemplating your unstable professional and financial future, or even worse, walking the dreaded picket line, as a teacher, in the province of Ontario, consider that your  Secretariat, the people who are supposed to be promoting your best interests and "negotiating" on your behalf, are making $185,000/yr, with a built in raise resulting from an arbitration paid for by us.

Would you like to be compensated for "working" on weekends, $500/yr for glasses or $25,000 for private nurse duty? Then stop teaching and instead start "representing" teachers. No wonder they all clamour to get to "Provincial" aka the Promise land. After reviewing the OECTA/SA 2014-16 Collective Agreement available at the link below, the question is: Whose best interest is OECTA really representing?


1 comment:

  1. Jodi start putting up stuff worth reading like the progress of your grievance for being fired. Publish some of the "proof" you claim to have. That would be worth reading.
